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South Carolina

Department of Consumer Affairs

Complaint Filing System

Consumer Complaint Filing

Register a New Account

Please complete the form below to create an account. Creating an account allows you to file a complaint, check your complaint status and message a complaint analyst.

Contact Information

(SC Residents Only.)

Phone Number  –  –
Fax Number  –  – Optional

Account Set-Up

Usernames must be unique; 6-20 characters long; and can only include letters and numbers.

Password Requirements:
8-64 characters long; at least one digit (0-9), one special character, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter;
must not contain your username, first name, or last name;
and only letters, numbers, and the following special characters are allowed:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - [ ] { }: ; ? . , + =

Contact Information

Phone: 803-734-4200 or toll-free in South Carolina: 1-800-922-1594
Website: Consumer Affairs Home

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